What do the Reward Statuses and Definitions mean?

William Harper Updated by William Harper


Friendbuy assigns each Friend Offer and Advocate Reward a status depending on whether it has met certain criteria. You can view the status of a reward by using the Customer Search Tool or the Rewards Report within the Friendbuy platform. 

Below are the different types of status that exist within Friendbuy and what they mean. 


The Referred Friend has completed a purchase, and the reward for the Advocate has been validated and approved by Friendbuy.


  • Same email address 
  • Similar email address 
  • Same cookie 
  • Same IP address 
  • Same IP Address + User Agent 
  • Same device fingerprint
  • User is on the blacklist
  • Same Customer ID

Not Eligible 

  • Friend is an existing customer 
  • Tier threshold is ‘X’, current number of rewardable conversions is ‘X’
  • Minimum purchase threshold is set to ‘$X’, purchase amount is ‘$X’
  • The value of purchase, currency (USD) is not equal to CAD


If a reward delay is set up to delay distributing the Advocate Reward for a designated about of time, rewards will remain in pending status until the time has expired. Once This status usually occurs when the Referred Friend has purchased a product, but is still able to return the product. Once the window of time (reward delay) to return the product has expired, this status will update to one of the above statuses.


The Referred Friend passed the validation at the Friend Landing Page widget, and the Offer was successfully distributed.

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